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E nesse Spin de Notícias falaremos sobre… Engenharia de Alimentos!
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Sobre o calendário Dekatrian:
Patronato do SciCast:
Produção Geral: Tarik Fernandes, Juliana Cabral e Fernando Malta
Episódio: Beatriz Poker Edição: Felipe Reis
Referências e Indicações
Why is there a baby formula shortage in the US, and what can parents do? | US baby formula shortage | The Guardian
Formula for trouble: How the U.S. got into an infant formula mess : NPR
F.D.A. Chief Details ‘Shocking’ Conditions at Baby Formula Plant – The New York Times (
1411.pdf (
Riscos microbiológicos de fórmulas para lactentes
Prevalence of Cronobacter species (Enterobacter sakazakii) in follow‐on infant formulae and infant drinks – O’Brien – 2009 – Letters in Applied Microbiology – Wiley Online Library
Breastfeeding: Surgeon General’s Call to Action Fact Sheet |
Cronobacter Illnesses Linked to Powdered Infant Formula | CDC